Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Very Brief Blog: News Source / Evaluate VANTAGE

I see a lot of trade journal websites but this one is new to me.  There's a consultancy EVALUATE, which publishes extensive news items.

Here's a 2022 review of the lab company FREENOME, including an elaborate table of contenders in the LBx space.  Here's a June 2023 review of trends in the CAR-T space.  Here's a long listing of topics from ASCO 2023, which seem to be all open access as far as I've checked.  Here's an open access report (with email registration) on biotech dealmaking in 1H2023.  Here's their home page for medtech industry.

April 2023 story on Quest, Haystack, and the MRD space, by Elizabeth Cairns - here.