Monday, August 2, 2021

AMA Expands Seats on CPT Panel, Solicits Nominations

Recently, the AMA announced it was expanded the CPT Editorial Panel from 17 to 21 seats.  The expansion will support the need for panelists who can support "content advances to reflect the emergence of digital health, diagnostic precision medicine and augmented intelligence."

The AMA is soliciting nominations for new members on the panel.  Submit nominations by September 24, 2021.  Panelists will be chosen in time to be observers at the February 2022 meeting and to be seated as panelists for the May 2022 meeting.  Terms are usually four years.  Nomination details:

The four new panelists will include 2 nominated by AMA member societies, one from the payor sphere or a specialty medical society, and one from an "at large organizational member."

At the same link, the second one, see information about a different but related panel, CPT Advisory Committee, CPTAC, which also seeks nominations from time to time.  They mention that they look for CPT panel members who have previous, less-high-pressure experience serving on the CPTAC.


Most of the panelists are nominated by specialist medical organizations but "do not represent the interests of the organization that nominated them." OK...