Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Very Brief Blog: Intel's Hospital-System-Level Survey of the Challenges to Precision Medicine

Organizations like the Personalized Medicine Coalition regularly discuss challenges to personalized medicine, and so to studies by major government bodies. 

This winter, Intel published the results of a large interview- and survey-based study of challenges to personalized medicine at the health system level.   Results include the major drivers of moving forward with investments, education, and personnel, as well as challenges (lack of money for investments, lack of education, and lack of personnel.)   The interplay between insourced and outsourced or mixed solutions is also discussed.

See the commissioned review article at HealthcareITNews here and the actual Intel white paper report here.

This and many additional figures in Intel (2017)

The Intel white paper discusses choices between insourcing and outsourcing.  In December, I published a short article on the growing specialized companies in "Digital Genomics" that allow closer-to-turnkey outsourcing of IT aspects after sequencing is done, e.g. Fabric Genomics, DNANexus, Edico, and many others.  Here.

I recently mentioned, a brilliant article on how real world health systems and CEOs view new initiatives was produced by Spellberg in 2017, here

The HIMSS 2018 conference, March 5-9 in Las Vegas, has a number of precision medicine tracks and side conferences.


For a biopharma perspective on PM, see a 2/2018 report by PWC, here.