Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Operational Note: About Email and Blog Reader Feeds

An operational note.

This blog is based on the Google/Blogger website, which is integrated with Feedburner.

At the top right of my blog, you should see an orange plug-in and link for Feedburner:

The little orange symbol should take you to a separate website, feeds.feedburner.com, which lets you subscribe to Discoveries in Health Policy either by email or by a news reader (e.g. Feedly).

The Feedburner system stopped sending both blog feeds and email feeds for some users on June 16.  

It seems to be operating again now.   

We'll keep an eye on it.


Feedburner $100M Zombie

Apparently Google acquired Feedburner for $100M in 2017 (here) and it is today considered a zombie (here) which periodically stops working (here).


Nerd Notes: The Three Views of Your Feeds at Three Different Websites

(1) Feeds.feedburner.com The public face of Feedburner appears to be feeds.feedburner.com such as my own blog there, seen here.   When you click on the happy little orange icon, this is where you land.  This is what they want you to see.  If you're an interested reader, and you've picked a blog, and clicked the little orange icon, here's where you put your email and here's all you need to see:

(2) Feedburner.google.com  If you run a Blogger.com account at Google you can get another view of Feedburner at this website: https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/myfeeds .  Where you can "analyze and optimize" your Feedburner settings, but note it's at "google.com" instead of "feedburner.com."  "Feedburner-dot-google" looks like this: