Friday, November 10, 2023

Decibio: Excellent Hour Webinar on Oncology Reimbursement in Europe

This blogs connects you to an excellent multi-expert one hour webinar on reimbursement in Europe, offered last month by Mansfield Advisors and DeciBIo..

Find it here:

Mini Summary - This webinar by Mansfield Advisors and DeciBio tackles the complexities of European reimbursement for oncology treatments. Both therapies and diagnostics are considered.

Experts dissected how country-specific policies impact market access and discussed innovative payment models for groundbreaking cancer therapies.  There may be less diagnostic enthusiasm among European payment bodies than there is in the US.   The prospects for LBx tests (such as early detection) is discussed from a European perspective.

The session highlights the importance of cross-sector collaboration to navigate the evolving landscape of oncology care funding and underscored the rising political commitment to support advanced cancer when there are effective treatments.