Friday, November 24, 2023

AMP Hosts FDA LDT Webinar: Monday November 27

 On Monday, November 27, 2 pm ET  11am PT, AMP will host a webinar on FDA LDT, the goal being "to stop this overreaching rule."  Hosts will be Dr Eric Konnick, chair of AMP professional relations, and Annie Scrimenti, Assoc. Director of Public Policy & Advocacy at AMP.

Here's AMP's 6 page PDF briefing on the rule:

Here's November 27 ZOOM registration:

AMP adds,

You can stop this overreaching rule from being finalized by submitting comments on how the proposed rulemaking will affect your ability to practice laboratory medicine and provide critical lifesaving tests to patients. Unique, individual and institutional comments telling the FDA why this rule is bad for patients, bad for medicine, and bad for innovation are critical.