Header: Theo Merkel and Joel Zinberg have been reported as staff for health care policy in the new administration.
Las week we noted that Abe Sutton, a veteran of the first DJT White House, was likely heading to Medicare as head of the Innovation Center (CMMI). That's noteworthy because the enabling statute for the CMMI allows to to waive any CMS law for the purpose of a demonstration project (which could be very large and long in scope). SSA 1515A, see (d). "The Secretary may waive such requirements of titles XI and XVIII...as may be necessary solely for purposes of carrying out this section..." [*]
Now, via Linked In, two more names are reported, this time for the new DJT White House. See a press release on January 22 from Paragon Health Institute, see also a blog by Brian Blase, a comment by Joe Grogan, and a subscription health article by Amy Lotven at Inside Health Policy.
- Theo Merkel -
- Special Assistant, Domestic Policy Council (DPC)
- Dr Joel Zinberg -
- Special Assistant, National Economic Council (NEC).
Merkel and Zinberg "will be responsible for coordinating health policy across the executive branch."
Merkel has experience as an assistant on the Hill, Special Assistant WH 2019-2020, at Manhattan Institute, and as Director for Private Health Reform at Paragon Health. See an article by Merkel comparing Medicaid expansion and employer insurance, 9/2024, here.
Dr Zinberg, and MD/JD, served previously as "General Counsel and Senior Economist" at Counceil of Economic Advisors in the DJT WH. He's been a clinical professor of surgery at Mt Sinai (NYC) and a lecturer in law at Columbia University. He's been Visiting Scholar at American Enterprise Institute, and "Director of Public Health" at Paragon Health. MD Columbia; JD Yale.
Nerd note. CMS has long held extensive waiver authority for Medicaid (Title XIX, 19) under SSA Section 1115, enabling states to test innovative healthcare approaches. In 2010, the ACA introduced SSA Section 1115A, granting new waiver authority for Medicare (Title XVIII, 18). ACA also includes SSA 1332 state plan waivers for Obamacare exchanges. Sidebar table.
Acting head of FDA - Sara Brenner. Acting HHS Secretary- Dr Dorothy Fink.