Sunday, October 2, 2022

Very Brief Blog: Strange CMS PGX Pricing as Entertaining Video

I have joked that I thought I could use September's Medicare pricing of 7 pharmacogenetic tests as a simple teaching lesson in how the crosswalk process works for new tests.

Unfortunately, the prices half and double in unpredictable ways, and I'm unable to give a clear teaching lesson.  Maybe that is the point!  (I actually held the video for several days to see if CMS would issue an updated plan with corrections, but it didn't happen.)

I discuss the pricing of new PGX tests in both a video and a blog.


Note this has a "humor section" the first 20 seconds. You can jump to the PGX codes at 1:37 below.

0:01 Humorous Intro and Background 1:37 The New Pharmacogenetics Codes Explained 2:39 The Odd Pricing Levels CMS Published